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Sound Mark Registration in Bahrain

Joseph K. G. (Nov 26, 2014)

Bahrain's Trademark Office in the Industrial Property Department under the Ministry of Industry and Trade has issued a circulation accepting trademark applications for sound marks. Our office is the first to file a sound mark in Bahrain.

The requirements to file a sound mark are: 
  • Musical note composition of the sound mark;
  • Compact Disk containing the music piece in MP3 audio file or any other compatible format, and
  • The other required documents for registering a trademark in Bahrain, which are:
  • Power of attorney legalised by the Consulate of Bahrain or appostilled, and
  • Copy of certificate of incorporation and extract from the commercial register.

The applicable trademark law of Bahrain on traditional trademark applications is also applicable to sound mark applications. A modified trademark application form is made available for this purpose.

The sound mark is examined as any other application; after acceptance the mark will be published in the Official Gazette with the musical composition printed in the space made available for the print of the mark, and a copy of the audio format of the sound mark can be obtained from the Industrial Property Department for opposition purposes.

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